Pupil Premium
Pupil Premium is funding allocated to Berewood Primary School for pupils who meet the criteria for free school meals, whose parents are in the Forces, or who are themselves in the Care of the Local Authority, to support their education, learning and progress.
Children who are eligible for Pupil Premium may experience many different barriers to educational achievement. Teachers assess the learning and development needs of all children and share these regularly with parents and carers. For children who are eligible for Pupil Premium, these are recorded each half term along with current measures and provision that are in place to enable every child to make the best possible progress.
The impact of the use made of this additional funding is under constant review, and is formally assessed at the end of each academic year.
Please open the attached documents below for more information.
Our plan shows how we will use the pupil premium and it will be updated by the end of each autumn term, each year, after reflecting on the needs of our pupils both new and existing.