Ofsted / results
Ofsted - Berewood Primary continues to be a good school.
Ofsted are the government agency that make sure that schools are being run properly and they conduct regular inspections. We had our first Ofsted inspection in July 2017 and a subsequent inspection in January 2023.
Ofsted parent view
This link takes you directly to the Ofsted parent view website where you can add to and read comments about our school
School performance tables
This link takes you to our school profile and to the school national performance tables which provide information on how we are doing as a school compared to others nationally. These are not current given that schools are not required to publish details of their results from 2019-2022 as these have not been published as performance measures by the Secretary of State.
University of Chichester Academy Trust
This link takes you to the University of Chichester Academy Trust website where you can find information and further policies relating to our school.
Exam and assessment results